Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Paint Prints

Paint prints are stunning and relativity easy to do with juniors.

In our last session the children chose two crayons (blues and purples) and completed concrete rubbing on white cartridge paper, giving a textured background.
(Concrete rubbing: put paper on concrete and rub crayon side-one over the paper. This technique picks up the texture of the concrete)
This week, in one hour, we completed the paint prints.
Using only four colours, the children used the sharp side of thick cardboard to stamp lines or drag the cardboard to create and stems and leaves.
They were encouraged to overlap the paint and use clean colours (only mixing the paint on the paper)
The management:
The paint was put into trays, making it easy of children to dip in their pieces of cardboard. The children were given 3 pieces of cardboard with long, medium and small edges.
They had to stand up so they were not dragging their arms in the paint and they could get a better view of their composition.

After I demonstrated the techniques the children were encouraged to use their own creativity to make their artwork.

Comments from some children when asked to reflect on their learning:

“I learned if you put the cardboard down and rub it on the paper the line is thick and if you stamped it like a stamper it was a stick line” Ethan (it was his 6th birthday today)

“You don’t always have to be perfect you just have to try your best.” Zeenat (Age 6yrs)

“If you make a mistake it’s ok.” Harmony (5 Yrs)

“ I learned about overlapping paint it mixes the colours and it makes the paint stand out.” Holly (7 yrs)

Check out the photos

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