Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Term 3 session 5

To encourage the children to use the right side of their brain I introduced a hard concept for 5 and 6 year olds to do, but to my delight most of the children in this group gave it a go. The concept: drawing the negative space around an object. I explained to them that the air is around an object hence being the negative space/shape and the object is the positive shape. To help them understand I hold black paper behind an object then demonstrate drawing the shape where the air touches the object. The negative space is coloured black. It is amazing how the children look at the shape far more closely than when drawing the positive shape (object). Negative shapes are interesting in themselves and hopefully this knowledge/skill will help children look beyond the obvious. (It’s a good theory anyway). Of course more practice is needed to strengthen this knowledge.

We have nearly completed the Green Eggs and Ham illustrations. The children are very proud of themselves and are engaging in true collaborative artwork by working on each others pictures, helping and working along side others to complete the work.
Next problem to solve will be how to display it so other people can interact and read the story.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Term 3 session 4

We only had one block of the day, so we worked on the Green Eggs and Ham collaborative art. Some of the pages were finished today. Check them out, not bad for five and six year olds.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Term 3 session 3

Started with a warm-up exercise of drawing upside down. These drawing are getting more accurate as the students feel more comfortable about looking at lines.

I introduced the picture plane concept today. We taped a view finder on the classroom window for each of the children and with a whiteboard marker drew the scene outside. To do this the child must hold their head as still as possible and shut one eye, then they trace the images on the window. They did find this quite hard to draw the lines in the environment, so I changed the viewing subject.
The children held a view finder and clear plastic (overhead projector transparency)on their hand and used the picture plane to trace the lines of their hand. We photocopied the image on the clear plastic. The children were amazed at the results. Next step would be to use the photocopies and focus on shadow and light.

Continued with the Green eggs and Ham collaborative art. Drawing on wet strength cartridge they used pencil to draw the images, then used dye of block in the colours. When dry we will redraw the lines with black permanent marker. Each child draws one page, when complete we will put the story in sequence so everyone can read the story without words. The children have enjoyed participating in this project. The artist ability varies, but that is the beauty of cooperating with each other. I get the children to look at each others work and to make suggestions on improving the drawings. They are very good at this and accept the critique of their peers.

Term 3 session 2

The students copied a line drawing that was up the correct way. Then they repeated the drawing with the line drawing upside down, the results were quite marked. The second drawings were far more accurate. To create variety for the children, others forms of art will be introduced using the skills they are learning. It will be interesting to see if they transfer the knowledge into new art.
As part of the variation, the juniors are copying the pictures from Green eggs and Ham as a collaborative collection of drawings to make the story. We practiced copying the pictures today. Most children did really well and made the drawing fit the paper size. They are very excited to be part of such a project.

Term 3 session 1

Upside down drawing
I introduced the students to copying line drawing upside down (that is the line drawing was upside down not the students).
My whole objective is to get the students looking at, and copying the lines. The skills developed in this exercise are spatial awareness: stimating how long the lines are, how big the are lines, the angle they go, how wide apart they are and where they join each other. The students are then looking very carefully and seeing detail they have never noticed before.

Introduction to Term 3 work

After reading Betty Edwards book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
(ISBN 0-87477-419-5) I have decided to teach the children to draw based on her drawing techniques. She bases her ideas on a multitude of research done on the functions of the brain.
A very brief explanation:
The left brain is verbal and rational, it communicates thoughts through numbers, letters and words.
The right brain is non-verbal and intuitive, it thinks in pictures and patterns.

It is commonly known that not everyone thinks or learns the same way. After reading some research on the brain, I am sure promoting the use of the right brain will assist children to learn.
Our education system is designed to use predominately left brain thinking and encouraging children to use their right brain for drawing will be a challenge and I am extremely interested to witness the results.